Frank W. Bratt Ag Center, Jamestown, NY 14701

District Board of Directors' Regular Meeting

October 26, 2000



    A.  Present:

         David Sturges - Chairman     Debra Kelley - Secretary

         Robert Thompson - Co-Chair   David Wilson - Manager

         Fred Croscut - Director     Rob Halbohm - NRCS

         Robert Anderson - Director 




MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to approve the minutes of the September meeting.Carried.



    MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to accept the Treasurer's report     and pay current bills. Carried.


    A.  The following bills were approved for payment:

              SEE ATTACHED



    A.  A letter from Jamestown Community College thanking David Wilson and Rob Halbohm for participating in their twenty-fourth annual College/Career program.



    A.  Other Agencies

    B.  Committees

C.State Committee - Murray Mahany will not be reappointed to the State Committee.

    D.  District Conservationist

              1.  French Creek Marketing Meeting - David Wilson and I set in on a meeting sponsored by the Nature Conservancy. They contracted with a company called Upland from Allegany to do a study on labeling to try and differentiate from products that were produced on a farm that was following sound conservation practices verses a farm that does not. The idea was to try and get a premium price for the produce from the farm that was practicing conservation practices. They presented a lot of information on this subject. This is not organic farming they made a definite distinction between the two.

              2.  FSA Status Reviews - 5% of conservation plans with Highly Erodible Land (HEL) on them have been selected for reviews. They will be checked to make sure they are

District Minutes                                                   Page 2.

District Cons. (Cont.)


following their conservation plan by checking the plan with crop reporting information.

              3.  Phosphorus Based Planning Procedure - A letter was sent to all the consultants that will be working on CAFO Plans. The consultants should be testing for Phosphorus as part of the nutrient management plan.

    EB. District Field Manager - David Wilson

         1.  District Truck - There was discussion on the purchase of new district pickups. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to go with the Chautauqua County DPW Bids to purchase a new district pickup. David Wilson is to place the order. Carried!

         2.  Dry Hydrants - I have recently installed two dry hydrants for the Cassadaga Fire Dept. and have surveyed two more for South Dayton.

    F.  District Secretary

         1.  New York State Deferred Compensation Plan - Discussion was held regarding the plan. MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to adopt the resolution to become members of the plan. Carried!

         2.  Chaut. Co. Municipal Health Insurance Plan - The Health Insurance is going to increase by 5% beginning 1/1/2001



    A.  NYACD Annual Meeting - To be held on October 29 - 30, 2000. David Sturges has resigned as Division II Director and we have submitted Fred Croscut’s name as a replacement for Division II Director. The resolutions for the Annual Meeting were reviewed.

    B.  Joint Annual Banquet - To be held November 30, 2000 at Vullo’s Restaurant. Becky Nystrom, Associate Professor of Biology, JCC will be the Guest Speaker on “Treasures of the Tropics”.

    C.  Division I Directors Meeting - Was held on October 18, 2000 at the Canalside Emporium in Niagara County. David Sturges, Fred Croscut and David Wilson Attended the meeting. The topic of discussion was on consolidating Divisions I & II.

    D.  Hydro Seeder & One Ton Pickup Truck - Discussion was held on the purchase of a Hydro Seeder and a one ton pickup to pull it with. MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to allow David Wilson to use his best judgement in purchasing a used Hydro Seeder or go out to bid for a new one. Carried! MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to purchase a new one ton pickup truck through the Chautauqua County DPW bid process. Carried!

    E.  Water Quality Technician Position - I have mailed out 34 applications for the position. The dead line for submitting applications is November 14th. The applications will be reviewed at the next board meeting.

District Minutes                                                   Page 3.



    A.  Wyoming County SWCD 60th Anniversary Celebration - The staff and directors will not be attending the meeting.

    B.  Cattaraugus County SWCD Annual Banquet - Will be held on Thursday, November 2, 2000 at the Country Lodge in Lime Lake. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to allow staff and directors to attend and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!


    A.  Council Meeting - Was held in Cherry Creek, I made a report to the council at the meeting.



A.Brocton Reservoir - The WQTF has completed the project at the Brocton Reservoir with the help of the Village of Brocton and the Town of Portland Highway Departments. The banks of the Reservoir have all been seeded and mulched to help prevent erosion.

    B.  Mini-Grants - The Chautauqua County WQTF has submitted three proposals for mini-grants. Level I (review Strategy), Level II (Streambank Cleanup) and Level III (Pesticide Cleanup).




XI. NEXT MEETING - Thursday, November 16, 2000, 1:15 P.M. at the Frank W. Bratt Ag Center


XII.Meeting Adjourned

MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to adjourn at 3:45 P.M. Carried!

Respectfully Submitted,


Debra A. Kelley 


David J. Sturges
