Frank W. Bratt Ag center, Jamestown, NY 14701

District Board of Directors' Regular Meeting

December 13, 2001


I.  Meeting Called to Order: 1:00 P.M.

    A.  Present:

         David Sturges - Chairman     Debra Kelley - Secretary

         Leon Beightol - Treasurer    David Wilson - Field Manager

         Fred Croscut - Director     Rob Halbohm - NRCS

         Bob Anderson - Director 

         Bob Thompson - Vice-Chair


II. Minutes of The Previous Meeting:

MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to approve the minutes of the October meeting.Carried.


III.Treasurer's Report:

    MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut to accept the Treasurer's report     and pay current bills. Carried.

    A.  The following bills were approved for payment:

              SEE ATTACHED

IV. Correspondence:


V.  Reports:

    A.  Other Agencies-none

    B.  Committees - none

C.State Committee - none

    D.  District Conservationist

         1.  Watershed Rehabilitation - See Attachment

2. CAFO Update - See Attachment

3. Approval of AMA Contracts - See Attachment MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to approve the seven AMA Contracts. Carried!

         4.  Growing Carbon - See Attachment

    E   District Field Manager - David Wilson

         1.  Building - We have the revised building plans from the engineer. I still need to get a building permit from the Department of State. Motion by Croscut seconded by Beightol to put the building out to bid as soon as we can. Carried!

         2.  Agland Assessment - We have started Aglands, Dave has already done some of them. We have mailed out press releases

         3.  Tree & Shrub Program - The books are at the printers, we will be printing 3500 booklets this year. We hope to have them in the mail the second week in January.

         4.  Jay Gould - Jay has received a medical clearance to return to work on light duties. He only has about two weeks left before he will end the seasonal appointment.

District Minutes                                                   Page 2.



         5.  Envirothon - We are getting ready for the Envirothon for 2002. We will hold a committee meeting on November 28. We hope to have two new teams this year.

         6.  Member Item Request - Pat McGee, We submitted a member item request for a total station. We are requesting $20,000 to purchase equipment, training and misc. supplies. This should help us become more efficient with our survey and design drawing for our field work.

         7.  Partners for Wildlife - Tom and Lorrie Pembridge by Maple Grove School. We have completed this project for a total cost of $16,010 the District will make $1,200 on the project.

    F.  District Secretary

         1.  Hydro-Seeder Income & Expense Report - See Attachment

2. Directors Perdiem - I have prepared vouchers for the directors to look over and if they are in agreement, please sign them so I can pay the perdiem before the end of the year.


VI. Old Business

    A.  Personnel Appraisals - Tabled


VII.New Business

    A.  District Budget and Contract - We have not yet received a letter from IDA regarding our Budget. Fred Croscut will check into this matter and report back to the board at the next meeting.

    B.  Appointments to the Board

         1.  Farm Bureau - Bob Thompson, MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to ask that Bob Thompson be reappointed to the Soil & Water Conservation District Board for a 3 year term. Carried!

VIII. RC&D - JoAnn Kurtis

    A.  RC&D Representatives - David Sturges and Fred Croscut will ask Larry Brown if he would be interested in filling one of these positions.

IX. Water Quality

    A.  Dunkirk School Water Quality Session - Bryan and Bill Boria went to Dunkirk School for a one day Water Quality Session. They had a great response to this session.


X.  Cooperators none


XI. Next Meeting - Thursday, January 24, 2002, 1:00 P.M. at the Frank Bratt Ag Center, Jamestown, NY


XII.Meeting Adjourned

MOTION by Beightol seconded by Thompson to adjourn at 1:45 P.M. Carried!


Debra A. Kelley                        David J. Sturges

Secretary                              Chairman