Frank W. Bratt Ag center, Jamestown, NY 14701

District Board of Directors' Regular Meeting

September 27, 2001


I.  Meeting Called to Order: 1:00 P.M.

    A.  Present:

         David Sturges - Chairman     Debra Kelley - Secretary

         Leon Beightol - Treasurer    David Wilson - Field Manager

         Fred Croscut - Director  

         Bob Anderson - Director


II. Minutes of The Previous Meeting:

MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut to approve the minutes of the August meeting.Carried.


III.Treasurer's Report:

    MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to accept the Treasurer's report     and pay current bills. Carried.

    A.  The following bills were approved for payment:

              SEE ATTACHED

IV. Correspondence:

NYSDEC Fish & Wildlife Board: Frank J. Gould III is the Legislative Representative from Chautauqua County on this board.

V.  Reports:

    A.  Other Agencies-none

    B.  Committees - none

C.State Committee

    D.  District Conservationist

         1.  Implementation Progress-Completed Projects

              a.  Croscut - Barnyard Lanes

              b.  Beckerink - Bunk Silo Leachate

              c.  Stan Tenpas - Milk-house Waste Filter Strip

              d.  Rick & Dennis Meeder - Barnyard Lanes and Stream Fencing

              e.  David Lesch - Tile for Strip Cropping System

    E   District Field Manager - David Wilson

         1.  Building - Plans were presented and Federal Aviation Assoc. (FAA) has given their approval to build. We still need the state building permit. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson to have David Wilson proceed with the building plans. Carried!

         2.  District Trucks - We took both trucks to the DPF for the bid process. The county bid 106 vehicle plus the municipalities and misc. government agencies.

         3.  Visit The Farm Day - September 22, 2001 at Fred & Shelly Croscut’s Farm. We took part of our Ag Tent to Visit The Farm Day. Dave Spann and Jay Gould worked to get things ready for the event and we had a good turn out.

District Minutes                                                   Page 2.

    F.  District Secretary

         1.  Trout - I have 15 orders for a total of 1,325 trout ordered for 2001 stocking. Delivery is scheduled for October 3, 2001.


VI. Old Business

    A.  2000 Cooperator of the Year - Tabled

    B.  Personnel Appraisals - Tabled

    C.  Dewey Manure Storage Structure - We are waiting for NRCS to redesign the pit. Then we will try to bid it again in the spring.

    D.  NYACD Annual Meeting - October 28 - 30, 2001 at the Four Points Sheraton, Buffalo Airport, Buffalo, NY. Registrations are due by October 5th. MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol for Directors and Employees to attend the meeting and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!


VII.New Business

    A.  Joint Annual Banquet - We will get together with Cooperative Extension and set a date.

    B.  John Wildeman Retirement Luncheon - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson for Directors and Employees to attend the Luncheon and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!

    C.  Conservation Skills Workshop - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Anderson for Bryan Mentley to attend the workshop and reimburse him for expenses. Carried!

    D.  Consultants Copy Charge - MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut for the District to charge consultants a fee of $.10 to make copies this will be effective immediately. Carried!


IX. Water Quality

    A.  EPA Grant - Findley Lake Nature Center - We received an EPA Grant for $42,500, with a total project cost of $75,000 to build a nature center behind the Findley Lake Town Hall. The project is to be completed by 2003.


X.  Cooperators none


XI. Next Meeting - Thursday, October 25, 2001, 1:00 P.M. at the Frank Bratt Ag Center, Jamestown, NY


XII.Meeting Adjourned

MOTION by Anderson seconded by Croscut to adjourn at 2:05 P.M. Carried!


Debra A. Kelley                        David J. Sturges

Secretary                              Chairman