Frank W. Bratt Ag Center, Jamestown, NY 14701

District Board of Directors' Regular Meeting

NOVEMBER 10, 2005


I.  Meeting Called to Order: 12:55 P.M.

    A.  Present:

         David Sturges - Chairman     Debra Kelley - Secretary

         Leon Beightol - Treasurer    David Wilson - SWCD Field Manager

         Fred Croscut - Director      David Spann - SWCD Technician

         Bob Thompson - Vice-Chair    Rob Halbohm - NRCS - DC

         Marshall Bell - Landowner


II. Minutes of The Previous Meeting:

MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut to approve the minutes of the September meeting.Carried.


III.Treasurer's Report:

    MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol to accept the Treasurer's report     and pay current bills. Carried.

    A.  The following bills were approved for payment:

              SEE ATTACHED


IV. Correspondence: none


V.  Reports:

    A.  Other Agencies & Guests

         1.  Marshall Bell - Has concerns about David Spann hunting during work hours. Mr Bell presented his case regarding his concerns about Dave Spann to the board of directors. Mr. Bell asked for a letter from the board of directors addressing his concerns. The Board agreed to send him a letter.

    B.  District Conservationist

1. Conservation Security Program - Chautauqua County will be getting the program for the French Creek Watershed. We will be having two public meetings regarding this program on November 28th at the Community Center in Findley Lake to explain the program to the farmers. See Attached for additional information.

         2.  Watershed Dams - NRCS has done an assessment on these dams to see if they meet modern standards. There is a draft report out on this and there should be a final out shortly. This will be presented to the Watershed Commission for the possibility of Federal Grant Funding for any needed repairs.

    C.  District Field Manager - David Wilson

         1.  Fall Work Load - We are trying to finish some projects before winter. We had a good year with the hydro-seeder and we will be getting that ready for the winter also.

District Minutes                                                   Page 2.

District Field Manager (cont.)


         2.  District Truck - The bids are back and the best deal was Ed Shults Chevrolet, we can trade for $4,160.00 and our truck. MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut for the district to trade trucks for $4,160.00. Carried!

         3.  AgLand Assessment - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol to change the price of Agland Assessment from $15.00 to $20.00 with a maximum charge of $150.00. Carried!

         4.  Tractor - MOTION by Croscut seconded by Beightol for Dave Wilson to go to bid for a tractor. Carried!

         5.  AEM - MOTION by Beightol seconded by Thompson to contract with an individual for the purpose of completing AEM Tier I and Tier II work sheets. The price will be $50.00 for a Tier I and $100.00 for a Tier II. Carried!

    D.  District Secretary - Debra Kelley 

         1.  Trout - were delivered on October 4, 2005 at 1:00 PM. We sold about 1200 trout this year it was a good year.

         2.  District Web Site - is underway, I have given a $1,000 deposit to the Web Site Designer. We hope to have the tree & shrub book online by January 2006.

         3.  Printer - MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut to approve the purchase of a new colored laser printer with the NYS Archives Grant Funds and up to an additional $1,500 of district funds for the purchase. Carried!


VI. Old Business

    A.  District Finance & Budget - Nothing new, we still have not received a letter for the IDA telling us what we are going to get.

    B.  Health Insurance Update - We have completed the change over in our insurance plan. We will have the same carrier with a different plan. The cost of this new plan is less than the old plan.

    C.  2004 Cooperator and Teacher of the Year - MOTION by Thompson seconded by Beightol for Robert & Dawn Betts to be the Conservation Farmer of The Year and Soffian Adam for the Conservation Teacher of the Year. Carried!

    D.  Joint Annual Banquet - Will be held on November 17th at the Falcons Crest Banquet Hall in Falconer. MOTION by Thompson seconded by Beightol for staff and directors to attend and pay for their dinners. Carried!


VII.New Business

    A.  Cattaraugus County SWCD Annual Meeting -MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut for staff and directors to attend the meeting. Carried!

B. 2005 AEM Training - November 15 & 16 at the Holiday Inn, Waterloo, NY. MOTION by Beightol seconded by Croscut for staff to attend and reimburse them for expenses. Carried!



A. Centaur Stride Erosion & Sediment Control Project - The project is about 3/4 done, and the finish work will be done in the spring when it drys up.

District Minutes                                                   Page 3.

IX. Water Quality

    A.  JCC Career Day - Rob and Dave will attend this on November 15th.


X.  Cooperators - none


XI. Next Meeting - Thursday, December 15, 2005, 1:00 P.M. at the Frank Bratt Ag Center


XII.Executive Session - The Chairman called an Executive Session to discus Marshall Bell’s Concerns that he presented.


XIII. Meeting Adjourned

MOTION by Croscut seconded by Thompson to adjourn at 2:30 P.M. Carried!


Debra A. Kelley                        David J. Sturges

Secretary                              Chairman